Comprehensive Guide to the Facebook Ads Reporting API

The Facebook Ads Reporting API is a key tool for digital marketers in Australia. It gives you a single place to find important ad stats using the ad account id. This helps you make choices based on data.

You can explore campaign metrics, ad set performance, and ad insights deeply. The tool is versatile. It lets you group results, see how users interact with ads, and manage big datasets easily.

The facebook marketing api works well with other tools like URL tags, Meta Pixel, and Conversions API. This makes tracking more comprehensive.

Recent updates to the ads insights api are due to iOS 14.5. This change affects how we see ad attribution. This guide will show you how to handle these changes. It will help you use the API to its fullest for your marketing in Australia.

Key Takeaways

  • Access campaign, ad set, and ad-level data through a single API
  • Use breakdowns and action breakdowns for detailed insights
  • Handle large datasets with asynchronous requests
  • Stay updated on iOS 14.5 impacts on attribution
  • Integrate with other Meta tools for comprehensive tracking
  • Leverage over 70 fields available in the API
  • Automate data exports to spreadsheets using tools like

Introduction to Facebook Ads Reporting API

The Facebook Ads Reporting API is a key tool for managing ad data. It's part of the Marketing API, offering insights into Facebook and Instagram ads. This API provides detailed data on ad performance, helping you make better ad campaign choices. MagicBrief is a great place to start if you're running Facebook ads. You can get access to unlimited ad inspiration from the world's top performing brands and monitor your ad performance and report on analytics all in one place.

What is the Facebook Ads Reporting API?

The Facebook Ads Reporting API offers tools to access your ad data. It shows how well your ads perform, who sees them, and their cost by providing insights into ad sets using the 'ad set id'. It’s like having direct access to all your ad information.

Why use the Facebook Ads Reporting API?

This API saves time and helps you make informed decisions. You can:

  • Get real-time updates on your ads
  • Compare different ads easily
  • Manage many ads at once
  • Create custom reports with the data you need

Key features and benefits

The API has some fantastic features:

Feature Benefit Custom dashboards See your data your way Real-time updates Make quick changes to improve performance Automated rules Set up actions based on your ads' performance Large-scale management Handle many ads across different campaigns easily

With these tools, you can deeply analyze your Facebook ads. You can fine-tune your campaigns for better performance. It's a big step for anyone serious about Facebook ads.

Understanding the Facebook Graph API Structure

The Facebook Graph API is key for managing your marketing campaigns. It's important to understand its structure for better marketing results. Let's explore the main parts that make this tool powerful.

Nodes, Edges, and Fields Explained

The Facebook Graph API has three main parts:

  • Nodes: These are objects like Users, Pages, or Campaigns
  • Edges: These are the links between nodes, such as Photos linked to a User
  • Fields: These are the details of nodes, like their names or emails

Knowing these elements is crucial for using the API and getting the data you need for your campaigns.

API Versioning and Access Token

Facebook updates the Graph API every three months. You'll need an access token to use the API. This token checks your requests and decides what data you can see.

Rate Limits and Call Counts

Facebook sets limits on how many API calls you can make to prevent abuse. Each API call requires an access token to retrieve data, and these limits are based on how many calls you make in an hour. Here’s how the limits work:

Component Value Base Calls 60 Per Active Ad 400 User Error Penalty -0.001 per error

By understanding these parts of the Facebook Graph API, you can use its power for your campaigns.

Getting Started with Facebook Ads Reporting API

Starting with the Facebook Ads Reporting API means setting up a Facebook Business App and getting an access token. Creating a Facebook App is essential for connecting with the Facebook ads platform. It’s essential for ads api integration.

First, log into the Facebook Developers site and create a new app. You’ll need to choose the right permissions, like ‘ads_read’. This lets your app get the ad data it needs.

After setting up your app, create an access token. For longer use, get a long-lived token that lasts about three months. This means you won’t have to keep getting new tokens.

The API works with different HTTP libraries, giving you options for how to integrate it. You can use:

  • cURL for command-line requests
  • urllib for Python-based integrations
  • Other programming languages you prefer

When you make API calls, you’ll use a special token to talk to Facebook’s servers. For example, a query like “me?fields=id,name,adaccounts{name}” will show you your ad accounts and their names.

Some API calls need extra permissions. For example, ‘ads_management’ might be needed for certain tasks. As you get into the Facebook marketing API, you’ll see how much data and control you have.

Essential Metrics and Insights Available

The Facebook Ads Reporting API gives you a lot of data to boost your ads ROI analysis. You can explore over 70 fields to understand your ad performance at different levels.

Account-level Metrics

At the account level, you'll find important info like the account currency and ID. These help you track your ad spend and find specific accounts in setups with many accounts.

Campaign and Ad Set Metrics

Looking into campaigns and ad sets, the API shows you details like frequency and gender targeting. Each ad set has its own attribution window settings that are crucial for calculating ad results. You can see how often your ads are shown and to whom, helping you refine your Facebook pixel tracking for better audience targeting.

Ad-level Performance Data

At the ad level, the API really stands out. You get to see metrics such as:

  • Clicks and inline link clicks
  • Impressions and reach
  • Cost per conversion
  • Inline link click-through rate

These metrics let you deeply analyse your ad performance. For example, on 2nd October 2022, a sample account had 34,824 page impressions, and a weekly total of 2,384,604.

Metric Daily Value Weekly Value Page Impressions 34,824 2,384,604

Using these insights, you can tweak your campaigns, optimise your ad spend, and enhance your Facebook ad strategy.

Advanced Query Techniques and Customisation

Facebook ads API queries are powerful for getting specific data and handling large datasets. Learning these techniques helps you get valuable insights from your ads.

Using Fields Parameter for Specific Data Retrieval

The 'fields' parameter lets you get exactly the data you want. This makes your Facebook ads API queries more efficient. You can ask for specific metrics like reach, impressions, or conversions. This way, you get the data you need for your analysis.

Filtering and Sorting Results

Filtering helps you focus on certain ad statuses or objects. You can sort results using parameters like 'sort=reach_descending'. This makes it easier to find the most important data for your reports.

Filtering Option Available Comparators Data Comparisons Equal to, Greater than, Less than, Greater than or equal to, Less than or equal to, Like, Null Date Range Recommended: 28 days or less for unique metrics like Reach

Handling Large Datasets with Asynchronous Requests

Asynchronous requests are great for big datasets. They prevent timeout errors and make handling large amounts of data easier. You can also use field expansion to get nested data efficiently. This optimises your data retrieval process.

  • Use smaller date ranges for detailed historical data
  • Change data level from ad to ad set or campaign for better success rates
  • Avoid combining unique metrics and conversions in a single query

By using these advanced techniques, you'll improve your Facebook ads API queries. This makes your data analysis more precise and insightful.

Integrating Facebook Ads Reporting API with Analytics Tools

Facebook ads integration with analytics tools brings new ways to automate data and get deeper insights. By linking the Facebook Ads Reporting API to your analytics platform, you can make your marketing smoother. You’ll also get a better look at how your ads are doing. Additionally, you can integrate the API with Google Sheets to export ad data for further analysis and reporting.

Many analytics tools make it easy to connect with Facebook ads. For instance, Bright Analytics can set up a link to Facebook Ads quickly. It pulls in data every day or even more often if you want. This lets you check how your Facebook ads are doing alongside data from other places like Twitter, TikTok, and Google Analytics.

When you link the Facebook Ads Reporting API with your analytics tools, think about these important features:

  • Data refresh frequency (usually daily, but can be more often)
  • Ability to break down data by segments like geography, age, gender, and device
  • Custom dimensions and metrics for your specific reporting needs
  • Email alerts for KPI threshold breaches
  • Secure data archiving outside of Facebook

API integration for data automation saves time and cuts down on reporting mistakes. With the right setup, you can make dashboards that mix Facebook Ads data with insights from other marketing channels. This gives you a full view of how your campaigns are doing.

Remember, having development access lets you link with up to five ad accounts. But you can ask to increase this limit by getting your app reviewed. This might take some time, but it lets you handle insights for over 40 clients across more than 10 ad accounts.

Best Practices for Using Facebook Ads Reporting API

Mastering the Facebook Ads Reporting API means following best practices. This section covers key strategies for better API use, error handling, and keeping up with API updates.

Optimising API Calls for Performance

To improve API performance, only ask for the fields you need and filter data efficiently. For big datasets, use asynchronous requests. Also, remember that changing creative, targeting, or goals means ad reviews are needed. But, changing bids, budgets, or schedules doesn't.

Error Handling and Troubleshooting

Handling errors well is key with the Facebook API. Error codes tell you why API calls failed. Use a back-off mechanism to manage API calls and prevent hitting 100% usage limits for your app or ad account.

API Feature Limit Refresh Rate Archived Ad Objects 5000 N/A Insights API Data Retention 28 days Every 15 minutes API Version Change Window 90 days N/A

Staying Up-to-Date with API Changes

It's important to keep up with API updates for the best performance. Join the Facebook Marketing Developer Community group for the latest news. API changes have 90-day windows. Check the API changelog and out-of-cycle changes often to stay updated.

By following these best practices, you'll get the most out of the Facebook Ads Reporting API. This ensures reliable performance and keeps your API access. Remember, Facebook can check your activity anytime, so always follow their rules and guidelines.


The Facebook Ads Reporting API changes the game for ad analysis. It shows an average of 50.6 link clicks per campaign and 83.33% of campaigns cost less than $5 per result. This tool gives you key insights to boost your ad performance.

With the Facebook Ads Reporting API, you get a lot of data. You can see page insights and video analytics. This lets you make reports that fit your needs. It helps you spot areas to improve and better your campaigns.

The API is very flexible. It lets you look at past data and target specific groups like location and interests. This helps you make ads that really speak to your audience. Using tools like Phyllo makes managing data easier, so you can focus on making great content and improving your ad ROI.


What is the Facebook Ads Reporting API?

The Facebook Ads Reporting API is a tool by Meta. It lets you get ad stats and campaign performance across their apps. You can access metrics like clicks, impressions, spend, and conversions.

What are the key features of the Facebook Ads Reporting API?

It has features like breakdowns for grouping results and action breakdowns for detailed data. You can handle big datasets with asynchronous jobs. It also supports URL tags, Meta Pixel, and Conversions API for tracking.

What is the structure of the Facebook Graph API?

The Graph API has nodes (like Pages and Campaigns), edges (groups of objects), and fields (node details). You need access tokens for making API calls.

How do I get started with the Facebook Ads Reporting API?

First, create a Facebook Business App. Then, get an access token by choosing the right permissions, like ads_read. Finally, get an access token from the Facebook Developers site.

What metrics are available through the Facebook Ads Reporting API?

The Insights API has over 70 fields for ad performance analysis. You can find data like account currency, ad ID, ad name, clicks, cost per conversion, reach, impressions, CPC, and spend.

How can I customize data retrieval with the Facebook Ads Reporting API?

Customize queries with parameters like 'fields' for specific data. Use filtering to target ads, sort data, and expand fields for detailed info.

How can I integrate the Facebook Ads Reporting API with analytics tools?

Use tools like to send Facebook Ads insights to spreadsheets, data warehouses, and BI tools without coding. The Meta Business SDK also makes API integration easy for apps and services.

What are some best practices for using the Facebook Ads Reporting API?

Best practices include only asking for needed fields and efficient filtering. Use asynchronous requests for big datasets. Implement error handling and keep up with API updates and Meta's policies.

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