"The growth of the brand started off of with just one video that really resonated. One ad that scaled to over $100,000 of spend and off the back of that, the business grew” - Chris Radloff, Head of Paid Media @ Lucent Globe

Founded by brothers Brodie and Roger Cook, Lucent Globe was born out of a 2017 trip to Mount Everest, where they were struck by the amount of plastic waste in such a remote place. Determined to make a difference, they returned to Australia and, in 2021, developed plant-based, biodegradable detergent sheets as a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic-packaged cleaners.

Starting from their kitchen bench, the brothers faced early challenges introducing their product to the Australian market - it was a new format that challenged category conventions for a laundry solution. But through viral videos that highlighted the harm of existing products and showcased their sustainable alternative, Lucent Globe quickly gained traction online.

Today, the company has grown from these humble beginnings to a team of 25 people that sell 100+ laundry sheets a minute, largely driven by their ongoing strategic investment into performance creative. I sat down with Co-Founder Brodie and Head of Paid Media, Chris, to get an inside look at how they’ve scaled their ad creative operations to achieve such astronomical success.

Marketing Challenge:

As Lucent Globe scaled out of Brodie and Roger’s garage into a growing team of 25, they encountered significant challenges in their marketing operations, particularly in maintaining a robust feedback loop between their in-house videographers and the broader team. Initially, their marketing process was disjointed, with ideas and creative assets scattered across various platforms, and they didn’t have a proper creative reporting structure that effectively communicated performance data and insights to be actioned by their creative team.

The disconnect between creative production and performance feedback hindered their ability to iterate quickly and optimise their ads effectively. Without a centralised system, valuable insights were often lost, and creative decisions were made without the necessary data to back them up.

“Being able to get the video guys to go from creating an ad, to launching it, testing it and then iterating on it — sure it’s not the key driver of the business but it’s pretty damn close” - Brodie Cook, Founder

Key Wins With MagicBrief

1. Bridging the Gap Between Creativity and Analytics

Brodie summarises this perfectly, "a lot of creative people aren't very analytical. So being able to break that down very easily for them, which MagicBrief does, tightens that feedback loop ." By simplifying complex performance metrics, MagicBrief has made it possible for Lucent Globe’s video team to engage with performance data in a meaningful way and make data-backed creative decisions during the production process. Unlocking this has given the video team a sense of ownership over the performance of their ads and some healthy rivalry within the company.

2. Accelerating Ideation and Iteration

With MagicBrief, Lucent Globe can now ideate and iterate on creative concepts much faster than before. By using our Inspire tool to quickly explore new ideas and create a content bank for future creative - the video team is now able to create, test, and refine their creative approach based on real-time performance feedback, MagicBrief has unlocked the ability to test more in a shorter amount of time, which is vital for staying competitive as social platforms raise the bar for the quantity of ads necessary to combat creative fatigue.

3. Expanding Creative Output

One of the most significant impacts of MagicBrief has been its role in scaling Lucent Globe’s creative output. The team went from producing just 5 ads a week to an impressive 30, a change that has been pivotal to their business growth. "We're pushing out at least 30 individual pieces of creative into our channels every single week," Chris shared. Enabling their creatives to produce more videos in less hours with the same team has enabled a more efficient operation and freed up time to focus on other business tasks.

Favourite MagicBrief Feature

“My favourite is definitely Copilot. I absolutely love that feature. I've been in there pretty much daily since you guys dropped it to spot the winners in our account" - Chris Radloff
Copilot is a creative sorting hat that allows users to set custom performance benchmarks and instantly identify which ads are winning and ready to scale, and which need to be turned off due to low performance.

On the Future of Performance Marketing

Looking to the future, both Brodie and Chris see creativity playing an increasingly central role in performance marketing. As Brodie notes, "Creative is just becoming more and more important. The creative is doing more of the targeting these days." With platforms like Facebook and TikTok evolving rapidly, the ability to produce engaging, high-quality content that resonates with your ideal audiences will be the key differentiator for brands to keep up.

Lucent Globe is definitely an up and coming brand to watch, and they have exciting news about where you'll be able to find Lucent Globe on shelves very soon. But for now, you can shop their awesome product range here

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