The Best Times to Post on LinkedIn in 2024: Insights from Top Marketing Sources

The Best Times to Post on LinkedIn in 2024: Insights from Top Marketing Sources

Discover the best times to post on LinkedIn for maximum engagement and reach, based on research data from top marketing sources.

Oct 10, 2023
11 min read
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The Best Times to Post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn stands tall as a beacon for professionals in the ever-spinning digital marketing and social media world.

But here's the rub: the timing of your LinkedIn posts can be just as important as the content itself. With LinkedIn algorithmic updates and constantly changing user habits, even the most outstanding posts can sometimes fall flat. 

To determine the best LinkedIn posting times, we've analyzed data from the following sources:

Our goal?

To identify commonalities across these sources to determine the best times to post on LinkedIn for maximum exposure and engagement.

Let's start.

Factors That Influence Optimal Posting Times on LinkedIn

Unfortunately, there's no universal time that's perfect for all LinkedIn posts. What's optimal for one brand or industry may not be for another. 

To help clarify why this is the case, let's dive into factors influencing LinkedIn posting times:

Target Audience
: Different audiences use LinkedIn at various times. According to research, B2C businesses engage more during lunch breaks, whereas B2B businesses engage before work, at lunch, and after a post-evening commute.

: Each industry interacts differently; media professionals engage the most on Wednesdays, whereas consumer good professionals are most active on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

Time Zones
: LinkedIn is a global platform, meaning that your posts will be seen by users in various time zones. For example, posting at 9 am might be perfect for your audience in New York, but not so much for those in London.

Times of day:
The specific time of day you post can significantly impact engagement. Generally, posting from 9 am to 2 am will likely reach professionals during their active hours on the platform. This period covers the start of the workday through to post-lunch, catering to various user habits.

The Best Times to Post on LinkedIn (Overall)

Since a lot can impact optimal posting times, it's tricky to pin down a one-size-fits-all answer. That’s why we've compiled data from the most reputable digital marketing sources, including Hootsuite, Shopify, Buffer, and SocialPilot, to determine the best days and times to post on LinkedIn:

Source Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Hootsuite 11 am 6 am - 8 am 12 pm 2 pm 8 am 4-5 am 6 am
Shopify 9 am - 6 pm 9 am - 6 pm 9 am - 6 pm 10 am - 11 am
12 pm - 3 pm
10 am - 12 pm - -
Buffer 4 pm 4 pm 2 pm 4 pm 1 pm 10 pm 7 am
12 pm
5 pm
SocialPilot 11 am 6 am - 8 am 12 pm 2 pm 8 am 4 am - 5 am 6 pm

Our Recommendations Based on the Data

Let's break down the data above to determine the best times to post on LinkedIn: 

  1. Aim for Weekdays: All sources, except Shopify, agree that weekdays are prime times for LinkedIn activity, particularly from 9 am to 3-4 pm. This trend matches the professional nature of LinkedIn, where users login and engage during the workweek.
  2. Opt for Mornings or Afternoons: Mornings, particularly from 9 AM to 12 PM, are often recommended for posting on LinkedIn, aligning with the start of the workday. Additionally, midday, around 12 PM to 2 PM, is a key time, likely coinciding with users' lunch breaks.
  3. Weekend Strategy: Weekends usually have lower engagement on LinkedIn, but early mornings (around 4-7 AM) and specific times like Saturday at 10 PM or Sunday between 5-6 PM can still be good for posting.

The Best Times to Post on LinkedIn by Industry

Remember how optimal LinkedIn posting times can vary depending on your industry? We've also decided to gather some data on the best times to post by industry. 

According to HubSpot, here are the recommended posting times for five different industries: 

  1. Higher Education and Healthcare: 10 am – 2 pm on weekdays
  2. B2B Businesses: Early mornings, during lunch, and during weekday commuting times.
  3. Software and Media: Mornings or outside of traditional work hours on weekdays.
  4. B2C Businesses:  Lunchtime or non-business hours on weekdays. 

Here is more data on the recommended industry posting times by Sproutsocial:

Industry Best Posting Times Best Days to Post
Consumer Goods Monday: 11 am Monday & Tuesday
Hospitals & Healthcare Tuesday: 10 am - 2 pm, 6 pm Tuesday to Friday
Hospitality Monday: 10 am - 1 pm Monday to Wednesday
Media Wednesday: 11 am
Thursday: 9 am
Weekdays, especially Wednesdays
Nonprofit Wednesdays: 12pm Tuesday and Wednesday
Restaurants Tuesday: 11 am - 2 pm Tuesday to Friday
Schools & Education Tuesday: 10 am
Friday: 6 am
Tuesday to Thursday
Travel & Tourism Tuesday: 10am
Friday: 6am
Tuesday to Thursday
Software and Media Mornings
Non-business hours
B2B Businesses Early Mornings
Commuting times
B2C Businesses Lunch time
Non-business hours

Our Recommendations Based on The Data

  • Never Miss Weekdays: Weekdays tend to shine with LinkedIn activity across industries.
  • Mornings and early afternoons: These hours align with professionals' workdays and are ripe for engagement.
  • 2pm engagement drop: Apart from the Hospitals & Healthcare industry, the best times to post rarely extend past 2pm. This suggests a focus on mornings and early afternoons for most industries to catch the peak engagement periods.
  • Avoid evenings and weekends: Weekends and evenings, while lovely for personal time, experience a drop in LinkedIn activity.

While there are clear posting time trends, there's no definitive answer about the best time to post on LinkedIn. Ultimately, you must dig into your analytics and determine when your audience is most active. Instead, start with our guidelines and refine your scheduling strategy over time.

Tips for Finding Your Own Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

Don't Be Afraid to Experiment

If you need to gather data on what posting times work best for you, now's the time to experiment!

While online recommendations are great, the only way to figure out your ideal schedule is to test a variety of posting times. Try posting at different times throughout the week and even on unconventional times like weekends or late at night. 

Remember that target audiences are highly unique, and some may prefer to engage with your content at times that aren’t considered ‘conventional.’

Arm Yourself with Data 

After posting for a few weeks or months, your LinkedIn analytics should be brimming with data for you to start analyzing. 

Start monitoring which posts and content types get the most engagement and when. This will help you identify patterns and determine your audience's preferences. If, for example, your leadership videos get a tonne of likes, comments and reposts on the weekends, double down on weekend leadership posts. 

Post Frequently and Be Consistent

To have enough data to analyze, you need a consistent volume of posts over time. Regular posting ensures you gather enough interaction data to identify trends and patterns in audience engagement. 

Establish a routine schedule, like posting a few times a week, to maintain a steady stream of content. This will give you a more robust set of data to work with, helping you make informed decisions about your LinkedIn strategy.

Aim to post at least three to five times a week to engage with your audience and keep them fully interested. This will also help you build a strong presence on the platform.

Check Your Comments Section

Checking your comments section is one way to gauge when your audience is most active. 

By responding to comments, starting conversations in industry-related groups, and interacting with other users' content, you’ll get a sense of what times your audience is most likely to engage.

Consider Time Zones

If you have a large international following, try to schedule your posts at times convenient for all your followers. Or, at the very least, tailor your posts to your most prominent audience.

For example, if your followers reside in the United States and Australia, consider posting during a time that overlaps and caters to both audiences. Alternatively, you could schedule separate posts at peak times for each country. This ensures you optimize your reach and engagement globally. 

Target Natural Breaks in a Workday

Posting during expected break times, like lunch hours, is a safe bet for catching your audience in a moment of scrolling. Similarly, posting early morning or late evening can also be effective times to reach people during their commute or downtime.

Use Third-Party Tools to Track Optimal Posting Times

Plenty of third-party tools, such as Hootsuite or Sprout Social, can analyze your LinkedIn activity. These tools can track your engagement rates and help you determine the best times to post for your specific audience. 

Using these tools, you can also schedule posts in advance, making it easier to stick to a consistent posting schedule without constantly monitoring LinkedIn activity. 

Optimal Posting Times Mean Nothing If Your Content Isn't Engaging

This last point is more of a reminder than a tip.

No matter how well-timed your post is, poor content never results in high engagement. Your posts should be relevant, thought-provoking, and visually appealing to capture your audience's attention. 

Furthermore, you won't have the data to track the best posting times if you consistently post low-quality content. So, focus on creating quality content first and foremost. 


In conclusion, mastering the art of timing on LinkedIn is a nuanced balance of understanding audience habits, industry trends, content types, and time zones. 

Our comprehensive analysis underscores that while there's no universal magic hour for posting, weekdays, especially Tuesday to Thursday, emerge as prime times. The data from sources like Hootsuite, Shopify, Buffer, and Social Pilot and industry-specific insights offer a valuable roadmap for effective LinkedIn strategies. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to post on LinkedIn for maximum exposure?

Aim to post on weekdays, particularly from 9 am to 3-4 pm, and by 6 pm at the very latest. Mornings (9 am to 12 pm) and midday (12 PM to 2 PM) are especially recommended, aligning with the start of the workday and lunch breaks.

Weekend mornings between 4-7 AM also experienced engagement, and specific times like Saturday at 10 PM or Sunday between 5-6 PM can also be effective for posting.

Does the industry of my business affect the best time to post on LinkedIn?

Yes, the industry of your business can play a significant role in determining the best time to post on LinkedIn. For example, the B2B sectors sees LinkedIn activity in the mornings where B2C sectors do not. Similarly, the Consumer Goods industry experiences peak activity during Monday and Tuesday, while the Hospitals & Healthcare industry sees more engagement from Tuesday to Friday.

It is essential to be aware of these trends and tailor your posting schedule accordingly. 

How do I find  the best posting times for my specific audience?

The best way to find the optimal posting times for your specific audience is through trial and error. Experiment with different days, times, and content types and monitor overtime which posts yield the most engagement.

Ensure to use LinkedIn’s analytics tools or third-party apps to track engagement metrics and adjust accordingly.

Should I post different types of content at different times?

Some suggest posting more in-depth, informative content during the workweek and saving lighter, more entertaining posts for weekends when users have more leisure time. However, there is little to no data to support this theory, so it ultimately depends on your target audience and their preferences.

The best approach is to mix up your content types and post at various times to see which resonates best with your audience. If you do see a pattern emerging i.e., entertainment content on weekends and informative posts during the workweek, keep doing it.

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