How to Grow Your Facebook Group in 14 Ways

How to Grow Your Facebook Group in 14 Ways

Learn how to grow your Facebook group in 14 effective ways and increase engagement with your members.

Oct 10, 2023
11 min read
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How to Promote Your Facebook Group

Did you know that more than 1.8 billion people interact with Facebook Groups every month?  

That’s a huge number, meaning that if you’re looking to grow your Facebook group, now's the time! But with over 10 million active groups on Facebook, ‘fierce competition’ would be an understatement. Without the right strategies, your new group will quickly get lost in the sea of content. 

That’s where promotion comes in. 

In this guide, we’ll provide 14 time-tested strategies on how to grow your Facebook Group and build an engaged community of followers.

What is a Facebook Group?

Facebook Groups are essentially communities of like-minded individuals who can share their interests, ideas and experiences. These can range from professional groups to hobby-based communities and everything in between.

Unlike a regular Facebook Page, which is more about broadcasting content to followers, groups encourage a two-way interaction where members can actively post, comment, and engage with each other's content. This can quickly evolve into a strong and loyal community, making it a valuable platform for businesses and organizations to promote themselves.

However, creating a Facebook Group and growing it are two different things. Like anything worthwhile, growing a successful Facebook Group takes time, effort and a solid strategy.

How to Create a Facebook Group

Before we dive into promoting your Facebook Group, let's explain how to create one:

1. Log in to your Facebook account and switch to your business page. 

2. On your page’s left hand side, click on 'Groups'

3. Click on ‘+ Create new group’ and fill in all required information, such as group name and the following privacy options:

  • Public: Anyone on Facebook can see or join your group's posts and members. 
  • Private: Anyone on Facebook can find and request to join your group, but only members can see posts.

4. Click ‘Create’ and you will successfully create your Facebook Group.

Considerations Before Promoting Your Facebook Group

Know Who The Group is For

Before creating your Facebook Group, ask yourself:

Who is my target audience?

Without anyone in mind, you’ll barely know what kind of content to share and how to promote your group on Facebook. 

This result? Fewer members, no engagement, and ultimately a flop!

For example, if you're a cake business, you could target baking enthusiasts or even potential customers i.e event planners, desert loves, etc. This will help you create and curate content that resonates with your audience. 

Lastly, when picking a group name, choose one that best represents your brand and its purpose. Using the same example, ‘Gourmet Cakes in Texas' would attract more potential clients than ‘Cake Baking Tips’.

Set Guidelines and Rules

As the group admin, you'll want some structure to ensure a positive and respectful environment. If not, your group will quickly erupt into spam-filled chaos!

To create Facebook Group Rules, follow these steps:

1. Go to ‘Groups’ > ‘Your Groups’ > and select your group.

2. Click the ‘Manage group’ icon on the right hand side.

3. Click on 'Group rules' on the left menu.

4. Select 'Get Started.'

5. Write a rule title and description:

6. Select 'Create' and add as many rules as you see fit.

Develop a Sound Content Strategy

Gaining members and getting them to engage are two separate kettle of fish.

To keep members engaged, you need to have a robust content strategy in place. This could be  a mix of original and curated content, ranging from video tutorials, and hosting contests or challenges, to incorporating Facebook polls and posting relevant articles.

Set up a content calendar to help you stay organized and consistent in your posting schedule.

Set Goals and Monitor Your Facebook Group’s Performance

If you want your Facebook Group to reach new heights, it helps to set realistic goals. These should then be monitored, analyzed and optimized regularly.

Facebook Group goals you can start tracking include:

  • Acquiring a certain number of members per week or month.
  • Increasing engagement through comments, likes, and shares.
  • Boosting group visibility using a variety of methods which we’ll mention below. 

You can then use Facebook Insights and analytics to track how your group's performance. Check which metrics, i.e., post engagement,  member growth, or activity, need improvement and tweak your strategy accordingly.

How to Grow Your Facebook Group

Ok, let's get to the meat of it and discover how to you grow your Facebook group: 

1. Optimize Your Facebook Group’s Info

Before promoting your group, you should make sure it's fully optimized for growth. 

After all, viewers who stumble across your group won’t join unless they’re compelled to do so.  

Here’s how to do it:

SEO Optimization: Use relevant keywords in your group's description and title that potential members might use to search for groups like yours. This enhances your group’s discoverability on search results, both on Facebook and search engines.

Cover photo: Use a high-quality, eye-catching cover photo that represents your group. This ‘s purpose. This could be anything from a logo, tagline or visual representation of your niche, i.e lifestyle photo if your group is about travel or food. 

About Section: With 3,000 characters available, you have ample space to describe your group’s purpose and members. Be concise yet informative, and consider mentioning any exclusive content or incentives.

Group rules: Make sure to outline specific rules that members must adhere to within the group. This promotes a welcoming environment for new members.

Membership questions: Ask three simple questions for potential members to answer before joining. This helps you filter out members who just want to spam your comments section.

2. Send Out an Email Blast

Unless you're starting from scratch, you may already have an email list from your existing audience. This could email subscribers, website customers or clients, or even attendees from your past events. Send them a promotional email that introduces your Facebook group and invites them to join.

When creating an email, ensure you do the following:

  • Introduce yourself and explain why you created your Facebook Group.
  • Mention any exclusive content or benefits for group members.
  • Include a direct link to join the group.
  • Ask them to  share the group with their friends and networks.

With enough luck, your email blast can help kick-start your Facebook group with a solid and engaged member base. 

3. Cross-promote on Other Social Media Platforms

Your group may reside within the confines of Facebook, but that doesn't mean you can't attract members elsewhere. This means you can share your Facebook Group link on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or any other relevant platform where your target audience is active. 

The way you go about this is entirely up to you, but here are a few ideas:

  • Create Instagram or Facebook Stories that showcase or mention your group and its benefits.
  • Add a CTA to your regular social media posts that mention your Facebook Group, i.e “Join us on our Facebook Group for more tips and exclusive content!”
  • Share user-generated content from the group on other platforms to showcase its value.
  • Offer incentives for members who join your group through other social media platforms.

Cross-promoting on multiple channels will maximize your reach and potentially attract more members to your Facebook group. Just ensure to adapt your messaging and content to fit the platform you're promoting.

4. Run Facebook Ads for Your Business Page

Adverts are your best bet to grow your Facebook group ASAP.


Because Facebook provides advertisers with some of the most advanced and targeted ad options available. Not only can you target your audience based on demographics, location and interests, but you can also create custom audiences from your existing email list or website visitors. This makes it easier to reach people who are more likely to join your group.

However, you will need an ad account and a business page to run Facebook ads. 

To create an ad for your group, follow these steps: 

1. Go to Facebook's Ads Manager.

2. Click the '+Create' button to start your campaign.

3. Select 'Engagement' as your campaign objective.

4. Name your campaign i.e 'Gourmet Cakes in Texas.'

5. Toggle the 'Advantage campaign' feature to 'On' for Facebook to automatically distribute your budget to your best-performing adverts. (Recommended)

6. Choose 'Facebook Page' as your conversion location. 

7. Choose between 'Page Likes' or 'Impressions.' New businesses should choose impressions to increase brand awareness since viewers are less inclined to engage.

8. Now it's time to hone in on your audience: 

Start by choosing your audience's location. If you don't have data on your audience (from past campaigns), start by targeting people near your business location. 

Choose the age range you would like to target.

Under the 'Add demographics, interests or behaviors' and type in niche-relevant keywords.

Here's what I included to target anyone who may be interested in buying gourmet cakes:

  • Friends of people with birthdays in a month
  • Engaged Shoppers
  • All Parents
  • Event planner/Coordinator

You can also check Facebook's ‘Suggestions’ to add more potential target groups

9. Click on 'Save this audience' and give it a name like 'Gourmet Cakes Audience.' It will then be available for all your future campaigns.

10. Continue to the 'Placement' section and select 'Automatic Placements.' This lets Facebook test and display your ads on platforms i.e Instagram or Audience Network that get the most engagement.

11. Set your daily budget and click 'Continue.'

12. Create your ad by choosing from formats like single images, carousels, or video ads. 

13. Review your ad in the 'Ad preview' section.

14. Click 'Publish' to submit your ad for review by Facebook.

With your ads live, your Facebook page will now receive more page likes or impressions, depending on your chosen option. This, in turn, can indirectly drive more traffic to your Facebook Group.

5. Add CTAs to Your Facebook Posts

If you’re a business, your Facebook Group should just be one component of your overall marketing strategy. So, besides groups, you should be posting regularly on your Business page.

When creating Facebook posts, whether it's a status, photo or video, include call-to-actions (CTAs) that direct and make it easy for followers to join your group.

Here are a few examples of CTAs you can include in your Facebook posts:

At the end of a video or blog post: “Want more tips and exclusive content? Join our Facebook Group now!”

In a status update: “Don't miss out on valuable insights! Join our Facebook Group for more exclusive content.”

Alongside a photo of your latest product or service: “Interested in learning more about our products? Join our Facebook Group for behind-the-scenes access and special offers.”

You get the idea.

Just ensure to add your group link in the CTA so your audience can easily click and join.

6. Reference Your Group on Your Website

If your website attracts significant traffic, it's an excellent opportunity to promote your Facebook Group.

Consider adding your Facebook Group link in your 'About Us', 'Contact Page' or sidebars. You can also create a dedicated website page that includes all information about your group.

Another way to promote your Facebook group is through pop-ups. These will appear when a user visits your website, effectively grabbing their attention and directing them to your group. You can also use exit-intent pop-ups, which appear when a user is about to leave your website, giving them one last chance to join your group.

Lastly, if you have a blog post section, you can mention your Facebook group in your top-performing posts and link to it for readers to join. This allows Google users to find your group organically through search results.

7. Leverage Other Facebook Groups for Promotion.

If you have a Facebook Group, you’re probably a member of other groups related to your niche or industry. These groups often have large and active membership bases, making them a goldmine for promoting your group.

However, you can't just join any random group and start posting links.

First, you want to attract the right members that align with your group's purpose. This means joining groups that share similar interests or target audiences to your own.

Second, posting promotional content in other groups is one way to get you banned or labeled as spam.

Instead, follow these steps to correctly leverage other Facebook groups for promotion:

  1. Find relevant groups that have a similar target audience as your own. 
  2. Many groups have a daily or weekly topic or prompt where members can share their own content. Get involved with these prompts to build rapport and establish yourself as a valuable member.
  3. Some groups have specific days or threads where self-promotion is allowed. Use these opportunities to introduce your group.
  4. When you promote your group, try to personalize your message and explain why they should join. 

Remember, promoting your Facebook Group in other groups is a two-way street – make sure also to share and support other people’s content. This means engaging with posts, commenting, and sharing valuable information.

8. Use Facebook Live

Facebook Lives are highly engaging, allowing hosts and their audiences to connect in real-time. In fact, statistics show that Live videos get ten times more comments than regular videos and get 165% more comments than on-demand videos.

In other words, live streaming can be a powerful tool for promoting your Facebook Group!

You can go live from your Facebook Group (which targets current members) from your business page. Seeing as you’re recruiting new members, it’s best to go Live from your business page.

On your Live shows, it’s beneficial to cover trending topics in your industry.

For example, if you run a cooking group, this could be a live demo of a new popular recipe or a reaction to a new cooking trend. These trending topics are often searched for in Facebook, meaning you're likely to attract new viewers who will then see your group and potentially join.

To promote your group during the live, you can:

  • Mention your group at the beginning and end of each Live.
  • Add CTAs such as "If you love this content, be sure to join our Facebook Group for more tips and discussions."
  • Have a link to your group in the video description
  • Interact with viewers in the comments and mention your group for further discussions.
  • Encourage viewers to share the live video on their personal profiles.

Remember, content that's bursting with value is key. Participants will only join your group if they feel it benefits them in some way.

9. Include Your Facebook Group in All Social Media Bios

Bios are short descriptions that summarize who you are, and what you offer. They also can include a link to your website or other social media accounts.

One creative way to use your bio is to include a link to your Facebook Group.

This way, no matter which of your business’s social media profiles someone lands on, they'll see the link and can easily join if interested.

Below are the following social media bios where you can include your Facebook group link:

  • Instagram bio
  • Twitter bio
  • TikTok bio
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Facebook Business page bio

Remember that bio links don't need to be permanent, so feel free to change them up and update your group link as needed.

10. Collaborate with Influencers to Reach New Audiences

Influencers within your industry often have loyal followings you can tap into. Some have smaller, tight-knit communities (also known as micro or nano-influencers), while others have millions of followers.  

While partnering up with smaller influencers can be more affordable and manageable, larger influencers offer a wider reach and can significantly increase your group's visibility. However, you will need the resources (time, money, and effort) to collaborate with them effectively.

Before reaching out to influencers, ensure their following and content align with your Facebook group's niche. Ensure their audience's demographics, interests, and values are in line with your group's target audience.

Once you find the right influencer to collaborate with, consider offering them something of value in return for promoting your Facebook group. This could be monetary compensation, a free product or service, or cross-promotion on your own social media channels.

11. Create High-quality, Shareable Content

The saying 'Content is king' is true, but not all content is created equal.

Creating shareable content that can go viral is one way to grow your Facebook group. This is because Facebook’s algorithm favors content that is frequently shared, liked and commented on, increasing its reach on the platform.

When creating content, ask yourself what value you are providing and how you can make it engaging and shareable. This can come in the form of educational tutorials, entertaining videos, thought-provoking questions, or interactive polls. High-quality images, infographics, and relatable memes can also be effective.

Once posted, monitor their performance metrics and identify your top-performers. These are great learning opportunities to understand what type of content resonates with your audience and replicate it in future posts.

12. Organize Contests and Giveaways

People always participate in contests or giveaways, even if their chances of winning are slim.

Take advantage of this by organizing contests and giveaways on your Business page, and asking people to join your Facebook group as an entry requirement.

Besides making your prize desirable, it should be relevant to your target audience and related to the Facebook Group theme. So, if you have a beauty enthusiast group, giving away a makeup set would be more appealing than a gardening tool.

Lastly, follow Facebook's guidelines for contests and giveaways and clearly state the rules, eligibility criteria, and end date. You can also use third-party apps to help you manage your contest or giveaway effectively.

13. Don't Forget to Mention It On Your Facebook Page

Perhaps the most straightforward way to promote your Facebook group is to mention it on your Facebook Page.

Make announcement posts that direct users to join your group for exclusive content, deals, or announcements.

For example:

"Hey followers!

Are you looking for even more baking tips and tricks?

Join our Facebook Group for exclusive recipes, live demos, and virtual bake-alongs with our community of baking enthusiasts! Click the link in our bio to join now. #bakinglove #communitysupport"

Remember that followers aren't automatically added to your group when they like or follow your page, so make sure to explicitly mention and link to your group periodically.

14. Don't Neglect Your Existing Group Members

It's easy to get caught up in recruiting new members and forget your current ones. It's also a surefire way to lose what previous members you already have.

You can keep them happy by regularly posting valuable content, asking for their opinions and feedback, and creating a sense of community within your group.

Below are a few ideas on how to accomplish all of the above:

  • Post intriguing questions or polls related to your niche, i.e. "Which makeup brand do you prefer?" or "What's your favorite gardening tool in 2023?"
  • Hosting live Q&A sessions with experts in your niche.
  • Ask for feedback and suggestions for improvement, i.e. "We're planning our next event; what topics would you like us to cover?"
  • Organizing virtual events such as workshops, webinars, or product demos.
  • Offering exclusive deals or discounts for group members from relevant businesses.
  • Featuring top contributors and highlighting their contributions to the group. 
  • Make group challenges that encourage members to participate and engage with each other.
  • Put the spotlight on members and their success stories, using them to inspire others.
  • Celebrate milestones or anniversaries of the group by hosting special events or promotions.

Remember, happy and engaged members are more likely to invite their friends, family, or colleagues to join your group. By caring for your current members, you'll slowly but surely grow your group organically.

How to Promote Your Facebook Group - Conclusion

By incorporating our tips and strategies, you can successfully promote your Facebook group and attract more members. Just monitor your engagement by regularly checking your group insights and adjusting accordingly.

Also, feel free to get out there and promote your group online. If it means going out of your comfort zone, whether it's going live or collaborating with other businesses, do it! Remember, you must expose your group - nobody will do it for you!

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