23 Secrets to Radically Increase Facebook Engagement

23 Secrets to Radically Increase Facebook Engagement

Master your social media strategy with our 23 essential tips to increase Facebook engagement and connect with your audience effectively.

Oct 10, 2023
11 min read
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23 Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement

Every day, digital marketers eagerly check their Facebook notifications to see an uptick in likes, comments, and shares on their posts. 

And for good reason. 

With over 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook really is the big fish in the social media pond. But with so many posts being submitted daily on the platform, getting engagements is more challenging than ever. 

If you've noticed a downward trend in your Facebook engagement, don't worry. We’ll help you turn things around with these 23 ways to increase Facebook engagement.

What is Facebook Engagement?

They say Facebook engagement is the holy grail of social media marketing. But what is it exactly?

Facebook engagement refers to the interactions users have with content on the platform, including likes, comments, shares, reactions and clicks. Facebook's algorithm favors posts with high engagement, increasing their visibility, while those with low engagement may not appear in news feeds.

Unfortunately, simply posting on Facebook and praying to the social media gods for engagement is not enough. To really get people engaging, you must understand what makes your audience tick and create content that resonates with them.

How to Check Engagement on Facebook?

Checking your Facebook engagement is easy.

For your organic posts (non-paid), simply check the number of likes, comments and shares your posts have received. The higher these numbers, and the more positive reactions your posts have, the better.

For paid posts or Facebook ads, you can check and monitor your ad's engagement metrics on Facebook Ads Manager. These include your ad's cost per click, click-through rate, and engagement rate.

Regardless of whether you're creating organic posts or paid ads, keeping track of their engagement metrics strongly indicates how well your content is performing.

What is the Facebook Engagement Rate Formula?

The Facebook Engagement Rate Formula calculates the percentage of people who have engaged with your content compared to the number of people who saw it.

Facebook Engagement Rate Formula

Engagement Rate (%) = (Likes + Comments + Shares) / Reach * 100

So, if a post has 100 total engagements (sum of likes, comments, and shares) and reaches 1,000 people, the engagement rate would be calculated as:

Engagement Rate (%) = (100 / 1,000) * 100
Engagement Rate (%) = 10%

This means that out of all post viewers, 10% of them interacted with it in some way. Just remember that Facebook engagement rates can differ by industry, so it's more insightful to compare your rates with similar businesses in your niche.

How to Increase Facebook Engagement

Facebook lets users and advertisers demonstrate their expertise, build brand awareness, and engage with consumers. And if done successfully, you’ll connect with your target audience and drive conversions.

However, with Facebook’s highly competitive landscape and ever-changing algorithm, yesterday's content may not perform as well today. To increase Facebook engagement, you have to adapt and evolve your strategies.

To help you stay ahead of the game, here are 23 ways on how to increase Facebook engagement:

1. Post Less About You or Your Brand

Do you know why users like, comment, and share Facebook posts? 

It's not because they want to support your businesses. Instead, they engage because they feel entertained, informed, or inspired.

When you provide value i.e. relevant and interesting content, you’re improving your audience’s lives in some shape or form. You could have made them smile, sparked a conversation or taught them something new.

Let's say you're a gym owner that only posts about your gym, classes, and promotions. While gym members might appreciate updates, they'll likely find more value in a variety of content that benefits their fitness journey.

Other pieces of content to post include:

  • Nutritional advice
  • Workout tips and tricks
  • Healthy recipes
  • The latest news on fitness

Take a cue from Nike, who celebrated Roger Federer's 20th major title with a post that said ‘Outplay yourself,’ racking up 84,000 likes and 13,000 shares.

Of course, Roger was a brand ambassador for Nike at the time, but the post didn't directly advertise their brand and still attracted engagement.

3. Refine Your Target Audience with Facebook Insights

On the surface, your product or service could be used by nearly anyone. But for effective engagement, you should pinpoint the audience that's most likely to need and use what you're offering.

When first starting, you can target a broad audience to attract as many followers as possible. However, over time, you can narrow down your target audience based on those who engage with your content the most.

Facebook Insights helps to do exactly that. Here, you can see your followers' demographics, i.e age, gender, etc and tailor your content accordingly. This will result in higher engagement rates and more effective targeting.

Source: Facebook

3. Post When Your Followers Are Online

This tip sounds like a no-brainer, but posting when your followers online helps to maximize engagements. As such, it's your job to find out when your target audience is most active on Facebook.

You can use Facebook Insights (again, a valuable tool!) to see when your followers are most active online.

To do so, visit your Posts tab in Facebook Insights and click on ‘When Your Fans are Online.’ You’ll then get a breakdown of the days and times when your followers usually scroll through their feeds.

However, if you don't have data yet, you can refer to data-driven studies available online. According to Hubspot, the best times to post online are:

  • 6 and 9 PM and 12 - 3 PM, especially on Fridays and Saturdays.

Posting times users should avoid:

  • 6 AM - 9 AM and 9 PM - 12 AM, particularly on Sundays

4. Keep Your Headlines Short and Sweet

From Facebook's 2.85 billion monthly active users, 98.5% access Facebook through mobile devices like phones and tablets. Given the limited screen real estate and the fast-scrolling behavior of mobile users, clarity and brevity in your posts are essential.

AdEspresso, a Facebook ad management platform, analyzed thousands of Facebook Ads and discovered that the best headline length was just 5 words. Similarly for ad text, 19 words was the magic number for maximum engagement.

While this data is from 2018, it still illustrates that shorter headlines and ad text grab attention. You only have so much time to capture your audience's interest, so make it count!

5. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is a two-way street. If you want your audience to engage with your content, then it helps to return the favor.

Take the time to respond to comments on your posts, answer questions and thank people for sharing your content. You can also ask for their feedback or opinions to spark conversations.

Let's say you've recently posted a how-to guide on a particular topic. Some questions you could ask include: 

  • Was the guide helpful?
  • What how-to guide or review do you want me to cover next?
  • How can I improve these guides for you?

You’ll encourage more interactions, and even gain new insights on how to improve future posts. 

Responding to posts also lets you address criticism or even praise from your audience. Delta Air Lines, for example, thanked a customer for their positive comment.

It's a small gesture but one that can go a long way in building strong relationships with your audience.

You can even respond by posting your latest or most relevant content, as shown by software application company ‘Buffer’ below:

6. Spy On Your Competitors

Your competitors aren't just obstacles, they’re also valuable sources of information. For post or advert ideas, check out competitors' pages or browse Facebook Ad Library. You can then check which of their content got the most engagement.

This is not to say you should copy their content, but rather use it as inspiration for your own. 

Let’s say you run a clothing store and see a competitor's post about recycled clothes getting lots of likes. Instead of copying, you could post about your own recycled clothing line, or maybe share a quick tip on recycling old clothes. This shows your take on a hot topic and keeps your audience interested.

Just remember to add your unique touch to keep it authentic and engaging.

7. Analyze Which Of Your Posts Worked Best

You’ve analyzed your competitors' content, but what about your own posts?

Facebook Ads Manager has a wealth of data available for each ad or post you run. Using this information, you can check which ones had the most engagement success, and learn why. Was it the amazing case study you shared? Or the funny video you uploaded? Maybe it was the type of content i.e. a series of images rather than a single image.

Whatever the reason, take note of what types of posts generate the most engagement and create similar content in the future.

8. Utilize User-Generated Content (UGC)

One way to increase Facebook engagement for brands is to make use of user-generated content (UGC). This is content created by your followers, fans, influencers, or customers that you can share on Facebook.

UGC is fresh, already has a built-in audience, and most importantly, feels more authentic than branded posts. By showcasing user-generated content, you'll tap into their existing audience and increase your engagement levels.

Here are some examples of UGC you can share:

  • Customer reviews or testimonials
  • Photos or videos of customers using your products or services
  • User-submitted content such as artwork, recipes, etc.

Charlotte Tilbury, for example, frequently features user-generated content on her Facebook page, showcasing customers using their products:

Ofcourse, many brands pay influencers to create content for them, but even unprompted content from everyday users can be just as impactful, if not more so, due to its authenticity.

9. Host Contests or Giveaways

Hosting contests or giveaways is another great strategy for increasing engagement. People love to engage if there's a chance for them to win something - it’s human nature!

For example, IGN Southeast Asia's VALORANT-themed giveaway with Riot Games garnered 15,000 likes, demonstrating how offering exclusive gaming swag can significantly boost user interaction and page engagement.

Contests can range from simple 'like and share' giveaways to more creative ones such as photo or caption contests. Make sure the prize is something that's relevant to what your company offers i.e product or service giveaways, exclusive discounts or deals, or VIP experience packages.

Remember to follow Facebook's guidelines and policies when hosting contests and giveaways.

10. Use Facebook Live

Did you know that Facebook video posts get more engagement than image posts? Facebook Live, meanwhile, gets the most engagement out of them all!

Facebook Live allows you to connect with your audience in real-time, so they'll get first-hand access to your content. You can host Q&A sessions, product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes looks, or even just have a casual conversation with your followers.

National Geographic's "Safari Live" is a great example of using Facebook Live well. They streamed live safaris where viewers asked questions and got immediate answers. This cool setup meant more people tuned in and talked about it. 

Facebook algorithms also prioritize live video content, as it's a native feature on the platform. This means that your live videos are more likely to show up on people's news feeds, increasing your reach and potential for engagement.

When going live, follow these tips to increase engagement:

  • Announce it beforehand so that followers know when to tune in.
  • Share the live video after it's ended to reach those who may have missed out.
  • Have a theme or topic in mind beforehand i.e. ‘Ask me anything about our new product release.’
  • Interact with your viewers by responding to comments and questions (except trolls).
  • Go vertical instead of horizontal as it takes up more screen space on mobile devices.
  • Upload your videos directly on to Facebook instead of sharing a link from another platform. Remember that Facebook prefers native content over external links.

11. Use High-quality and Compelling Images

People learn 80% of what they know through their eyes. Furthermore, content featuring visuals like images or videos, on average, receives up to 94% more views

The problem is, just about everybody uses visuals, whether you're posting about your latest product, event or dog's birthday. You need to stand out. Start by using high-quality images that are relevant to your brand and message. 

Starbucks, for example, posted an image featuring their drink with a dog in a sweater. It's cute, funny and on-brand. The image received over 4100 likes and 242 shares -  not bad for just one post:

GoPro is another brand that uses striking and creative visuals on Facebook. This image, for example, features a view from 6,000 feet above Arizona, shot by skydivers:

If you aren't a whizz with photography or don't own a fancy camera, don't worry. Even an iPhone can produce high-quality images with the right techniques.

Here are some tips for creating compelling images:

  • Use natural lighting.
  • Play around with angles and perspectives.
  • Incorporate color contrast.
  • Utilize props or people to add interest.
  • Edit your photos using apps like VSCO or Snapseed for a professional touch.
  • Use zoom-in and close-up shots to add drama.
  • Experiment with different filters and effects.

These are just a few ideas to get you started.

12. Include A CTA (Call-to-Action)

Your CTA is your post’s prompt that encourages people to take a specific action, like answering a question, clicking a link, or leaving a comment.

While Facebook discourages brands from excessively saying things like 'Tag a friend!' or 'Share this post!' ' Smash that like button!' etc, CTAs are completely fine. 

Maia Ang, head of L’Oréal Paris Makeup, for example, asked her followers on her Q&A Facebook video to comment below on what they'd like to see next”

Just ensure your CTA is relevant to your post, otherwise it may come off as spammy or desperate.

13. Don't be a Faceless Brand

People want to engage with real people, not just faceless brands. As such, you’ll want to show your brand’s human side. Show what you did last week in your office, share a funny moment or an interesting story. Or, if you're giving back to the community, share it and let them see the heart behind your brand. This will help humanize your brand and make it more relatable to your audience.

Starbucks, for example, shared a touching story on Facebook about one of their store managers, Rianne, thanking local firefighters for saving her first home from forest fires:

This post got 2800 likes and 82 shares - a clear indication that showcasing the human aspect of your brand can resonate well with your audience and foster engagement.

14. Share Curated Content

Your content is great - there's no doubt about that. But sometimes, it's good to mix things up and share top-performing posts from other sources as well. You'll add variety to your page, bring in new perspectives, build trust and demonstrate you're not just self-promoting.

Be strategic with the content you curate. If you're in the digital marketing industry, for example, you can share articles from top marketing experts like Neil Patel or Gary Vaynerchuk. If you're in the beauty industry, product reviews or tutorials from popular beauty bloggers make sense.

(Include example)

15. Direct Traffic From Your Other Social Media Accounts and Website

Chances are, if you have a strong Facebook presence, you're also active on other social media platforms and have a website. Use these channels to drive traffic to your Facebook page and increase engagement.

For instance, TikTok users can use their bio link to direct followers to their Facebook page, and occasionally post content that promotes their page. On your website, include social media icons that link to your Facebook page, as shown below:

Don't forget about email marketing either! You can include a call-to-action in your newsletters or automated emails that encourage subscribers to follow you on Facebook and engage with your content.

16. Join Facebook Groups to Connect With Your Target Audience

Facebook Groups are diverse and can cover any topic or interest. Joining groups related to your industry, niche, or target audience lets you connect with potential followers, and thus increase engagement on your page.

For example, the Facebook Group SaaS Growth Hacks, led by Aaron Krall, is a prime spot for SaaS professionals. It’s where experienced marketers participate and offer valuable advice, encouraging readers to check out their work on their Facebook page.

Just remember that Facebook Groups prohibit self-promotion, so spamming your page link will do more harm than good. Instead, focus on building genuine connections and adding value to the community.

17. Get Your Biggest Advocates to Share Your Content

Your friends, family, and employees are often your biggest supporters, so why not ask them to share your Facebook posts? This word-of-mouth marketing tactic may appear small, but it can quickly lead to increased engagement. 

When your posts get shared, it's a signal to Facebook that it deserves to be seen by more people. As a result, the platform will probably show your content in the feeds of a wider audience.

18. Team Up with Other Facebook Pages and Influencers

Collaborating with other influencers with Facebook accounts can help to expose your content to their followers and potentially gain new ones. For example, a fitness page can partner with a nutrition page to cross-promote each other's content. This taps into both audiences and can lead to a mutual increase in engagement and followers.

In fact, 2021 Data from Upfluence showed that micro-influencers (15,000 followers or less), boasted an average engagement rate of 3.86% on Instagram, which is significantly higher than the 1.21% for mega-influencers with over a million followers. This trend is indicative of the higher engagement rates that smaller influencers typically have across social platforms, including Facebook.

19. Boost Your Facebook Posts

Boosting your Facebook posts is a paid option to increase the visibility of your posts beyond your immediate followers. You can target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, which all helps increase engagement with the right audience.

However, just be sure to high-quality Facebook posts that have already shown high engagement organically. Posts that haven't had much engagement from your own followers probably won’t resonate with a larger audience either.

20. Upload Video Content Straight to Facebook

Remember how we mentioned that Facebook loves native content? This is even more so for videos. Instead of sharing a YouTube link on Facebook, upload the video directly to Facebook to increase engagement.

Native videos on Facebook generate nearly 17% more engagements according to 2019 data from Statista than shared videos. They even performed better than Facebook Live videos (at that time), which demonstrates the power of native video content.

Additionally, Facebook has various features for optimizing and promoting your videos, such as auto-play and suggested videos. These can help increase views and engagement with your video content.

21. Make Your Facebook Followers Laugh

Facebook has become a hotbed for funny memes, videos, and jokes. People love to share humorous content that directly relates to their lives. In fact, brands are doing this too, using meme marketing in their posts to increase engagement.

Netflix, for instance, made a meme out of the movie 'The Possession of Hannah Grace', captioning it with 'We made it to Friday everybody,' alongside a spooky image from the movie. This adds a humorous spin to the eerie theme while celebrating the end of the workweek.

Why is this effective? Humor evokes emotions, which compels users to click that like button or share the post. Just make sure to be tasteful and avoid any controversial or offensive humor.

22. Get in on What's Hot to Get More Likes

Jumping into hot topics and the latest crazes gets people talking about your Facebook brand. It's like showing up at the party with the coolest stories – everyone wants to listen.

So, when you see a hashtag blowing up or a topic that everyone's talking about, get in on it. Join the conversation and add your brand's perspective to the mix. This shows your brand is up-to-date and relevant, which can engage your existing audience and attract new followers.

Ofcourse, if the topic is more serious or sensitive, be respectful and refrain from posting controversial opinions.

23. Embrace Short-Form Content

Did you know that 73% of people prefer learning about products through a short video? Furthermore, B2C marketers have prioritized short articles/posts over the last 12 months. Both these statistics show that short-form content can successfully capture an audience's attention.

If you've been strictly posting long-form content, consider incorporating some short and snappy Facebook videos or posts. It’ll help cater to different audience preferences and increase engagement by providing easy-to-digest information.

How Will You Increase Your Facebook Engagement?

While these Facebook engagement tips work, having an overall strategy ensures long-term success. Consider your target audience, what they like, and what message you want to convey on Facebook. Only then can you truly tailor your content to increase engagement and interact with your audience in a meaningful way.

With the right mix of creativity, consistency, and data-driven decisions, you can increase your Facebook engagement and reap the benefits of increased brand awareness, traffic, conversions, and more. So what are you waiting for? Start implementing these tips today and watch your engagement soar!

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