20 Ad Copywriting Tips That Will Wow Your Audience and Boost Conversions

The definitive guide to crafting ad copy that converts (with examples)

"Just Do It."

These three words, crafted by Nike, became one of the most iconic slogans in advertising history.

This simple yet powerful phrase encapsulates motivation, ambition, and action - all in one go. It resonates deeply with anyone striving to push beyond their limits, leaving a lasting impact long after the ad fades from memory.

The best part? It doesn't just speak to the average person lacing up their running shoes or the dedicated athlete. Nike’s ad copy is universal, appealing to anyone with a dream or aspiration.

That’s the true power of great ad copy.

Now, you're probably thinking: "Slapping 'Just Do It' or some other catchy phrase on my ad won’t make it successful." And you're right. Effective ad copy requires more than just a memorable tagline. It’s about understanding your audience, speaking their language, and delivering a solution that compels them to take action.

In this guide, we’ll dive into 20 best practices for creating ad copy that truly converts - from crafting compelling hooks to using social proof and mastering the art of CTAs. So without further ado, let's get started.

What is Ad Copywriting?

Ad copy, as opposed to traditional copywriting,  is the specific type of writing used to promote a product or service through advertising. It's using words and phrases that persuade potential customers to take action, whether it’s making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter.

So, what kind of advertising am I referring to?

Think of the billboards you see on your daily commute, sponsored posts on your social media feeds, or commercials interrupting your favourite TV show. These are all examples of ad copy in action.

Due to advertising's immediate nature, ad copywriting requires a different approach than other forms of writing. It needs to be short, often only a few words and must grab the target audience's attention within seconds.

Beyond punchy taglines, ad copy also includes longer-form content such as body copy for print ads and script for video ads. For example, an entire product launch could involve weeks of planning, but its ad copy could only boil down to five words. As such, it must be powerful and carefully crafted to make the most impact.

Before we get into general tips, let's lay the foundation for writing effective ad copy:

Copywriting Foundations

Define Your Target Audience

Before launching a campaign, marketing teams dive into what makes their audience tick—their pain points, desires, buying habits, and key details like age, location, and income. This helps them create ads that hit home. The same goes for writing copy. You need to know who you’re talking to and what it's like to be in their shoes.

How to do it?

  • Run surveys, interviews, or check social media analytics.
  • Read customer reviews to see what they love—or hate.
  • Stay on top of industry trends to catch shifts in behaviour.

The more you understand their mindset, the better you can tailor your ad copy to address their specific needs and capture their attention. Use these insights to create customer personas and reference them when writing your copy.

Understand the Concept of The Ad

Whether it's for you or a client, start by nailing the core concept. It’s not just about what the product does - it’s about the bigger picture. Is it solving a problem? Offering convenience? Or maybe it’s all about innovation? Once you get that theme, every line of your copy should tie back to it.

For example, writing for a sustainable cleaning product? The key concept isn’t just cleaning—it’s eco-friendliness. Your copy should focus on the green benefits, tapping into the emotions of sustainability and conscious choices.

This links back to knowing your audience. If they care about the environment, your message will hit home and drive sales.

Know What Hooks Your Audience

Your hook is everything. It’s those first few words that grab attention—whether it’s a bold statement, an intriguing question, or a clever twist. Without a strong hook, your audience will scroll past in a flash.

On Facebook, you’ve got 2 seconds on desktop and 1.7 on mobile to stop them mid-scroll. That’s all the time you get to stand out.

A good hook doesn’t just solve a problem—it breaks through the scepticism. People know ads lead to spending, so your hook needs to be sharp, creative, and directly address their needs. If you nail it, your copy has a shot at being read.

So, how do you craft the perfect hook? Here’s the secret: you don’t have to start from scratch… and we’ll get into that next.

Learn From Your Competitors

Even if your campaign is unique, your competitors have probably already targeted the same audience. That’s not a disadvantage - it’s free research. You get to see what works and what flops.

Check out your competitors' ads, especially the ones performing well. Notice their hooks, themes, emotions, and structure. This gives you insight into what grabs your audience's attention.

For example, if you're a skincare brand targeting women 30-60, you might see hooks like:

"Say goodbye to wrinkles!"


"Look ten years younger in just 3 months!"

They’re not pushing price or ingredients - they’re playing to the desire for quick results. Use that knowledge to craft a hook that speaks to the same desires but with your own creative twist.

If you don’t know where to start, you can use the MagicBrief ad library to explore your competitors' campaigns. Look for patterns in messaging, visuals, and offers to understand what works, then use those insights to shape your own strategy.

Adapt to Your Advertising Channel

Whether it’s digital banners, social media ads, or emails, each platform has its own rules. Copy-pasting the same ad everywhere won’t cut it.

Pinterest? Focus on visuals with short, punchy copy. A magazine ad? You’ve got room for more detail. Emails? Keep it compact for small preview panes and work without relying on images.

Ad placement matters, too. What looks great in a full-page spread might flop as a banner ad. For example, Facebook's Newsfeed and right-hand column ads have different sizes and restrictions that can affect your messaging.

Some nail Instagram but miss on Google Ads. Do your homework - know each platform’s strengths and tailor your copy to fit.

Use a Headline-description-CTA template

Most digital ads follow a simple but effective structure: headline, description, and Call-to-Action (CTA). This format grabs attention, delivers the message, and pushes for action—all while keeping things short and snappy, perfect for today’s short attention spans.

Let’s use our skincare brand as an example:

  • Headline: "Say goodbye to wrinkles in 3 months!"
  • Description: "Our anti-aging cream reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in just three months."
  • CTA: "Try it now and see visible results!"

If your headline is strong enough, you can sometimes skip the description, like in this Tend landing page. 

 But if needed, the description adds value and detail.

Your CTA is critical. It should be clear and action-driven. Sweeten the deal with an incentive: "Get 20% off your first order," or create urgency: "Limited time offer, try now!"

This template follows the AIDA principle (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), which has been proven to create persuasive and compelling copy.

Test and tweak your ad copy

Ad copy is just one part of the marketing puzzle - there’s also creative assets, targeting, and placement. You probably won’t get it perfect on the first try, and even if you do, there’s always room to improve.

Once your ads are live, keep an eye on performance. Identify what’s working and keep those winning elements for future campaigns. If certain hooks or CTAs are hitting the mark, build on them.

Run A/B tests to fine-tune. If discount-focused hooks perform better than feature-based ones, try different offers or adjust the wording to see what really clicks with your audience.

Remember, it’s an ongoing process. Keep testing and tweaking to ensure your ad copy stays sharp and optimised for top performance.

When linking your Meta ad account to MagicBrief, you'll be provided with real-time insights and analytics to track the performance of your ads. With colour-coded charts and easy-to-understand metrics, you can quickly identify which ad copy is generating the most clicks and conversions.

20 Ad Copywriting Techniques That Drive Results

Now that you understand the fundamentals, let's get to the specifics. Below are the best practices to craft amazing ad copy.

  1. Focus on Benefits and Solutions, not Features

It’s tempting to highlight every cool feature, but here’s the catch - your audience only cares if they know how it helps them. Focus on the problem your product solves and the benefits it offers.

Instead of saying,

"Our product is fast and efficient," flip it to: "Get more done in less time with our product."

Now you're addressing their needs, and showing how you make life easier. These small changes turn a dull description into something that connects and drives action.

  1. Evoke the Right Emotions

Emotions drive decisions. Whether it’s the excitement of new tech, the comfort of a secure choice, or fear of missing out—emotions fuel action.

When writing a copy, focus on how you want your audience to feel. Combine emotional triggers with your product’s benefits, and you'll create a message that truly moves people to act.

  1. Speak with Empathy

Your product aims to solve a problem or meet your customers' needs. But let’s face it - problems are stressful and we prefer not to think about them. When your audience is reminded of these pain points, they might feel exposed or vulnerable. But this is where your ad can flip the narrative.

Speaking with empathy shows that you understand their struggles and that your product was made for them. 

Phrases like, 

"We know how challenging it can be to.." or "Don't worry, we’ve got your back," can create a deeper connection.

These short yet impactful phrases humanise your brand, making it feel like a trusted friend is speaking, not just a salesperson. This kind of empathy builds trust, which ultimately leads to conversions.

  1. Address Your Audiences with "You" and "Your"

While you're potentially advertising to thousands, the person reading your ad copy is an individual who wants to feel seen and understood.

When writing an ad copy, instead of saying "the best product for skin care," be sure to include "your" or "you."

For example, "Your best skincare solution."

This small shift makes your message personal, as though it’s crafted just for the reader. It pulls them in, making it feel like a one-to-one conversation rather than a sales pitch.

By  using "you" and "your," you are creating a sense of ownership and making the reader feel like they are taking an active step towards solving their problem.

Plus, it's been proven that people are more likely to pay attention when addressed directly.

  1. Start with a Good Hook

As mentioned, your hook is a cornerstone of a successful ad. It’s your chance to stop people in their tracks and make them want to read more. 

You can use statistics, incentives, or even a question that piques curiosity. For example:

Question Hook:
"Are you an entrepreneur looking to grow your business without burning out?"

Statistic Hook:
"Boost your conversion rate by 30% with these proven strategies."

List-Based Hook:
"3 ways to take your skincare routine to the next level."

Pain Point Hook:
"Tired of wasting money on ads that don't convert?"

Desire-Based Hook:
"Want clearer skin in just 7 days? Here’s how."

Reverse Psychology Hook:
"Don't click this link unless you want to revolutionise your ad strategy."

Once you've drawn them in with a powerful opening, the rest of your ad copy has a fighting chance to be read.

To learn more about crafting the perfect hook, check out our in-depth article on Facebook Ad Hooks That Are Trending in 2024 for more examples and actionable tips to boost your ad performance.

  1. Put Yourself in Their Shoes

What drives your audience? What keeps them up at night? What solutions are they searching for? These are the questions that should shape your ad copy. While data and analytics are valuable, the best copy comes from seeing things through your audience’s eyes.

When you truly understand their frustrations, challenges, and desires, you can connect with them deeper. Imagine what it’s like to be in their shoes, and let that empathy shine through in your copy. Knowing their pain points is a start, but taking the time to really feel what they’re going through will transform your messaging and make a real impact.

  1. Enhance Your CTA with Urgency or Rewards

A well-crafted call to action (CTA) doesn’t just tell people what to do; it gives them a compelling reason to act now. One way to do this is by creating a sense of urgency or offering a reward.

Urgency can be created by using phrases such as “limited time offer,” “only 3 slots left”, or “sale ends tonight.” This makes people feel like they must act quickly before missing out.

On the other hand, offering a reward can entice people to take action. This could be in the form of a discount, gift, or exclusive access. People are more likely to act when there is something in it for them.

For example, instead of a generic:

“Shop Now” CTA, try “Shop now and receive 20% off your first purchase.”

This adds urgency and rewards the reader for taking action.

  1. Use Emojis to Be More Relatable

Some people dislike emojis, while most use them daily. In fact, over 90% of consumers use emojis regularly, meaning your ads can benefit from using them. Love them or not, emojis are everywhere, and their power in advertising is undeniable.

So how can you incorporate them into your ad copy?

  • Use emojis to replace words
  • Use them as bullet points to add visual appeal
  • Add them at the end of a sentence for emphasis or emotion

Emojis can dramatically change the tone of a sentence without extra words. For example:

  • That offer is unbelievable! 😍
  • That offer is unbelievable! 😒
  • That offer is unbelievable! 🤯

Each emoji shifts the message's feeling - excitement, doubt, or surprise - adding personality and emotional depth to your ad copy.

Just be careful not to overdo it. Stick to emojis that fit naturally within the context of your ad, or they may come across as unprofessional or confusing.

  1. Connect with the ego

You've evoked the right emotion, added urgency, and offered a reward. Why not take it further and connect with the reader's ego? This isn't about inflating their sense of self but tapping into their need to feel valued, special, and deserving of the best.

We all like to feel important, and your ad copy can leverage this by showing your audience how your product or service enhances their identity or elevates their status.

You can use phrases like:

“You deserve…” or “This is for those who expect nothing but the best.”

For example:

  • Luxury Car Brand: “For those who demand more from life, experience the power you deserve.”
  • High-End Skincare: “Your skin deserves luxury—because flawless isn’t a compromise.”
  • Exclusive Fitness Membership: “You’ve worked hard for your goals. Now, train like the elite.”

By speaking to the ego, you’re validating their sense of self-worth and positioning your product to enhance their life. The key is subtly boosting their confidence, making them feel like they’re choosing a product that reflects their values and identity.

  1. Take Advantage of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

FOMO influences most consumers, 69% to be precise. Furthermore, FOMO also brings 60% more sales. These numbers are simply too revealing to be ignored.

So why does FOMO work?

FOMO is a powerful psychological trigger that taps into our innate fear of being left out or missing out on a great opportunity. By creating a sense of urgency in your ad copy, you're preying on this fear and encouraging customers to take action before it's too late.

When used correctly (and ethically), FOMO can massively boost conversions.

Here are a few ways to use FOMO in your ad copy:

  • Limited-time: "Hurry, sale ends tonight!"
  • Limited quantity: "Only 5 left in stock!"
  • Exclusive offer: "For VIP members only"

Remember to be genuine and honest with your FOMO tactics. Don't create false scarcity or urgency; this can backfire and damage your brand's reputation.

  1. Tap into The Five Senses for Maximum Impact

When did you last see a food ad and crave that dish or product? Your reaction isn't  just a coincidence - it's the result of effective marketing that taps into our senses.

Use words that evoke taste, smell, sight, sound, or touch to pull your audience into the experience.

So, instead of saying “good,” describe a burger as “juicy” or “sizzling.”

Rather than “soft,” call a blanket “fluffy” or “velvety.”

You get the idea.

These sensory details trigger emotions and memories, and help your audience feel the product before even using it, turning simple descriptions into immersive experiences. The result? Stronger engagement and higher chances they’ll take action.

  1. Spark Controversy, but Not Too Much

Society loves controversy - just look at how content creators and public figures use it to grab headlines and fuel conversations. In advertising, this same principle applies. A dash of controversy in your ad copy can cut through the noise and make your message stand out.

Take Nike’s Colin Kaepernick campaign, for example. The ad, with the tagline "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything," sparked a national debate about activism, patriotism, and social justice. While it divided opinions, it resonated deeply with Nike's core audience and drove massive engagement.

However, controversy is a double-edged sword. Push it too far, and you risk alienating your audience or damaging your brand. When done right, controversial messaging can ignite debate, stir emotions, and ultimately drive engagement. But it must align with your brand values and resonate with your target audience.

Examples of Controversy in Ad Copy:

  • Sustainability Challenge: "Your clothes are killing the planet."
  • Body Positivity: "Why conform when you can stand out?"
  • Consumerism Critique: "Why buy more stuff? You don’t need it."

Balance is key when using controversy. Push boundaries, but don’t break them. Ensure your message invites discussion without alienating your audience.

  1. Be Conversational and Relatable

Why use a conversational tone in social ad copy?

The clue lies in the name. Social media is all about being social - engaging, sharing, and connecting with others. It’s where we seek authentic interactions, not sales pitches or overly formal language.

When your ad copy feels like a natural conversation rather than a stiff marketing message, readers relate more. This helps build trust and rapport with your audience.

Phrases like:

"Imagine this..." or "You know that feeling when..." invite the reader to engage personally.

However, being conversational doesn't mean sacrificing professionalism. You can still have a casual tone while maintaining your brand's voice and values. Just avoid slang or offensive language that could turn off potential customers.

  1. Use Visuals in Your Copy

Social media platforms are highly visual whether it's Facebook, Instagram, or even LinkedIn. This means your ad copy doesn't have to do all the heavy lifting - your visuals can help convey the message more effectively.

Studies show that people retain 55% more information when paired with an image than with text alone​. Also, posts with images are twice as likely to be shared compared to those without​. This proves how powerful visuals can be in enhancing your ad’s reach and engagement.

When using visuals in your ads, ask yourself:

What story does this image tell? Does it align with my product's message?

Ensure that your visuals and copy work together to communicate a cohesive message. Additionally, according to the best practices for Facebook ads, it’s perfectly fine to include some text within your images - as long as it doesn’t exceed 20% of the image​.

  1. Designing Display URLs That Drive Clicks

Your display URL isn’t just a technical detail – it’s a chance to boost your ad’s appeal and relevance.

Adding keywords directly into the display URL, like "www.example.com/waterproof-shoes" instead of a generic “homepage,” can instantly show users that your ad matches their search. This helps build trust and increases the likelihood of a click know they’re heading to something useful. Plus, incorporating relevant keywords boosts your Quality Score, making your ad more competitive in search rankings​.

Similarly, you can make your URLs more action-driven and encourage clicks by using words like “buy,” “shop,” or “order” in the URL. When the display URL aligns with the ad message and the landing page content, users enjoy a seamless, satisfying experience, which leads to better engagement and conversions.

  1. Use Social Proof in Your Ads

It’s surprising how many brands with thousands of glowing reviews don’t use them in their ads. This is a huge missed opportunity. Including social proof—like testimonials or ratings—builds trust and credibility with your audience. It’s not about bragging; it’s about showing new prospects that others have had great experiences with your product.

When potential customers see positive reviews or ratings, it eases their doubts and makes them more likely to click and engage. It’s also a simple way to stand out from competitors and boost conversions.

Don’t underestimate the power of social proof. Highlight your awards, ratings, or testimonials from happy customers to build trust and win over new prospects.

  1. Leverage Influencers and Industry Experts

Influencer marketing has really shaped how we behave online. In fact, several studies show 32% of Gen Z consumers have purchased based on an influencer’s recommendation, and 31% of social media users discover new products through influencers they follow​.

So, how do you incorporate influencers into your ad copy? One way is to include a quote or endorsement from a relevant influencer or industry expert in your ad, such as:

"I’ve been using this moisturiser for two weeks, and my skin feels amazing. It’s lightweight, non-greasy, and perfect for my sensitive skin!"


"Recommended by top skincare influencer (insert name) for sensitive skin solutions."

This ad copy leverages the influencer’s authority and authenticity, encouraging potential buyers to trust the product based on the influencer's experience.  It also helps to tap into the influencer's loyal fan base, potentially reaching a wider audience.

  1. Be Clever with Your Ad Copy

You don't have to be a professional copywriter to create clever ad copy. Anyone can create a witty and memorable ad if they know their audience and the right words.

Instead of using generic phrases like "Buy now" or "Sale ends soon," think outside the box and use puns, humor, or catchy phrases to make your ads stand out.

For example:

An ad targeting busy moms: "Don't let laundry take over your life. Try our time-saving detergent today!"

An ad for a mattress company: "Wake up on the right side—every morning."

An ad for a pet grooming service: "We’ll make your dog’s bad hair day a thing of the pawst."

Just don't get too carried away with creativity that it takes away from the message you're trying to convey. Make sure your ad is still clear and easy to understand.

  1. Avoid Click-bait Titles

Clickbait titles really grind people's gears.


Because it's misleading and deceptive, it will lose your target audience's trust. The key here is to create sensational headlines that are, in fact, truthful to guarantee a loyal audience.

The same applies to ad copy. Whenever you write ad copy, ensure it is honest and genuine. Avoid making unrealistic promises or exaggerating the benefits of your product or service. Customers are smarter than you think and can easily see through clickbait tactics.

Remember that using clickbait titles goes against many advertising policies and could get your ad rejected or taken down. If you're not sure, be sure to check the advertising guidelines for each platform you're using.

  1. Establish Your Brand by Being Consistent

It’s easy to get swept up in the latest trends and constantly shift your brand’s messaging or visuals. However, constantly changing your branding can hurt your brand image. Instead, you must be consistent in building a strong, recognisable brand.

Consistent means maintaining the same tone of voice, using the same fonts and colours, and ensuring your brand's messaging remains aligned across all ad platforms. Customers who repeatedly see the same branding elements are more likely to remember you.

For instance, if you’re a fitness app, this could mean focusing on the theme of self-improvement and empowerment. Rather than shifting messaging every few months, you’d stick to phrases like "Achieve your best self" or "Fitness made simple" across all touchpoints. This allows you to create a strong, unified brand presence that resonates with your audience and keeps them returning.

Final Thoughts

You don’t need to be a marketing expert or a copywriter to write great ad copy.  By applying the tips and strategies above, you'll craft compelling, effective messaging that resonates with your audience. The key is to always prioritise your target audience, not just your product or service.

Happy writing!

MagicBrief: Your Secret Weapon for Creating Effective Ad Copy

MagicBrief empowers marketers to streamline their ad copywriting process with data-driven insights and creative tools. Here’s how it helps you elevate your ad game:

  • Inspiration Library: Gain access to a massive library of over 10 million ads from 30,000+ brands. Quickly find successful examples to fuel your own copy ideas and learn what’s working across different industries.
  • AI-Powered Insights: MagicBrief’s AI tools provide performance scores for all featured ads, allowing you to quickly identify the best ads to emulate and the weaknesses to avoid.
  • Video ad transcripts: MagicBrief’s technology automatically transcribes videos, making it easy to analyse the messaging of top-performing ads in different formats.
  • Analytics: Link your Facebook ad account to MagicBrief and get easy to digest analytics on your ads. Track customised metrics such as add-to-cart rate, Thumbstop, and click-through rates and more to refine your ad copy for maximum impact.
  • Efficient teamwork: Collaborate with your team on the platform, enabling seamless content creation and approval processes. Share insights and feedback in real time to create a cohesive brand voice that resonates with your audience.

In short, MagicBrief is the ultimate inspiration and optimisation tool for creating effective ad copy that connects and converts. Sign up today to supercharge your ad copy game.

See you on the other side! 

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