Save Facebook, Instagram & TikTok ads

Download ads in a single click!

Get started in under 60 seconds
Alongside creative insights straight to your inbox
magicbrief library

Never struggle for inspiration ever again

magicbrief ad saving

One Click Saving

Use the MagicBrief Chrome Extension to save ads in a single click.
magicbrief breakdown ads

Breakdown Ads with AI

Automatically break ads into their main scenes, ready to be reworked.
magicbrief ad details

View Ad Details

Ad copy, landing page, CTA type. It's all there in the ad details view.
magicbrief filter ads

Automatic Filters & Tags

It's super easy to find ads in your library thanks toa range of filters and tags.
magicbrief ad library

300+ Ad Libraries

We've curated the best ad libraries out there, ready for you to get started.
magicbrief ad folders

Share Folders

Save ads to folders that you can share with team members or clients.

Instagram, Facebook & TikTok

magicbrief ad library

All your saved ads
in a single home

Anything you save is kept forever in your very own creative library. Whenever you need inspiration or a reference, it's here.
magicbrief ad details

See the details

MagicBrief doesn't just save the ad, we keep all the additional context around it for reference.
  • Full Ad Copy
  • Ad Landing Page
  • Interactions & CTA Type
magicbrief collaboration

Share with anyone

Create share links for folders or individual ads, making it easy to share references with your team, clients or content creators.

Wizard Club


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Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet sint. Velit officia consequat duis enim velit mollit.

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screenshot of magicbrief storyboard tool